Jimisha Dalal
- jimisha.dalal@singularitylegal.com
Jimisha is manging director at Singularity Legal. She is qualified to practice in India and in England & Wales. She specialises in advising energy & resources companies, private equities and institutional investors in frauds and investigations, and their shareholder and joint venture disputes, operational disputes and sovereign disputes. She also represents cryptocurrency investors for recovery.
Her range of experience includes advising clients in international arbitrations under various rules like ICC, JAMS, and SIAC; international mediations administered by SMC; in cross-border disputes before courts in India, Indonesia, Singapore, United States of America, and United Arab Emirates; and in investment treaty and commercial disputes. She keeps a keen interest in the law of radical technologies and businesses.
Energy, Resources & Infrastructure
- Representing a Singaporean and an Indian company in an arbitration concerning breach of a consortium agreement for a rig conversion project against an Abu Dhabi shipyard. (SIAC Rules, Singapore seated, Singapore law)
- Representing two Singaporean companies in an arbitration against its ex-managing director of the oil and gas division and his companies for breach of fiduciary duties and non-compete agreement. (SIAC Rules, Singapore seated, Singapore law)
- Advising a Singaporean company in its dispute with a Dubai company, arising out of non-payment of dues under a coal trading contract. (SIAC Rules, Singapore seated, Singapore law)
- Representing a Singaporean and an Indian company in an ad-hoc arbitration concerning termination of a contract for conversion of a mobile offshore drilling unit to a mobile offshore production unit, against an Indian state-owned enterprise. (India seated, Indian law)
- Representing an Indian company against its project manager in an ad-hoc arbitration for refund of advances under a profit-sharing agreement. (India seated, Indian Law)
- Advising Singaporean companies in several civil and criminal disputes against local partners and directors of an Indonesian coal mining and logistic operations concerning fraud and diversion of business. (Singapore High Court and Indonesian courts)
- Representing a Singaporean and an Indian company in their dispute under an EPC contract for conversion of a mobile offshore drilling unit to a mobile offshore production unit, against an Indian state-owned enterprise. (Bombay High Court)
- Advising an Indian oil & gas company in its dispute against a Singaporean services company under an MWD services’ agreement for nonpayment of monies. (National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai)
- Advising an Indian oil and gas engineering company in its construction dispute and guarantee enforcement litigation against an Abu Dhabi shipyard (Abu Dhabi Courts)
- Representing an insolvent Indian company in defending proceedings by an Indian oil and gas public sector undertaking seeking continuation of an ongoing arbitration and initiation of fresh proceedings (National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai)
Private Equity & Finance
- Representing a minority shareholder in a dispute against Indian real estate developer and a private equity companies involved in the development of a technology park, in an investigation for fraud and oppression. (India seated, Indian law)
- Representing two HNIs and an Indian company in a debt recovery proceeding by an Indian non-banking financial institution under a facility agreement. (India seated, Indian law)
- Advising a UK-based risk capital fund in relation to its DIAC arbitration against Afghan borrowers for breach of a term loan agreement. (DIAC Rules, DIFC seated, English law)
- Representing an Indian jewellery conglomerate in liquidation in an arbitration against an Australian jewellery conglomerate (SIAC Rules, Victoria seated, Australian law)
- Advising an Indian bank in a bank guarantee recovery litigation against an Abu Dhabi bank (DIFC Courts)
- Representing two HNIs and one Indian company in connected court proceedings arising out of an arbitration with a financial institution under contracts of guarantees relating to repayment by the principal borrower (Bombay High Court)
Sports & Entertainment
- Advising Indian and Singaporean promoters of a sports broadcasting company in their dispute against an American multinational media company. (SIAC Rules, India seated, Indian law)
- Representing an Indian subsidiary of a global advertising company in the challenge to the enforcement of their arbitral award by Indian local civic body (Bombay High Court)
- Advising an Indian, two Mauritian and one UAE based entities of a multinational advertising company in relation to proceedings against them by UAE-based bank for recovery of loans (India, Mauritius and UAE courts)
White Collar Disputes
- Advising an American company, one of the largest trading houses in the world, in cross-border white collar and regulatory dispute relating to the Rotomac scam in India.
Cross-Border Deals
- Advising Turkey’s largest power distributor in setting up a 500 MW LNG power plant in Aceh, Indonesia.
- Advising a Singaporean and an Indonesian company on a coal mining and infrastructure joint venture with local partners in Indonesia.
- Representing a Canadian national in his dispute against a leading cryptocurrency exchange. (JAMS Rules, New York seated, New York law)
- Advising an HNI resident in the UAE regarding seizure of his cryptocurrency investments, in one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges by enforcement agencies of the United States of America, arising out of a spoofing scheme. (North Carolina Courts).
Enforcement And Debt Recovery
- Representing one of the world's largest financial consulting firms in its dispute with an Indian company for non-payment of fees.
- Representing a UAE aircraft services company in enforcement proceedings of a SIAC award against an Indian helicopter services company.
- Advising an Indian public bank on overseas debt recovery from a UAE and an Indian company and its guarantors.
Treaty Disputes
- Representing an Australian HNI investor in his investment treaty dispute against a state entity.
- Advising a multinational advertising company on litigation finance for its claims against a state entity under bilateral investment treaties.
Speaking Engagements
- Third Party Funding and Covid Ramifications (Informa Connect, 2021)
- Moderator, Digital Asset Disputes Demystified (Expert Talk, 2023)
- Definition of Investment under International Investment Law (Young Arbitration Review, Edition 29)
- Demystifying the Digital Assets Dispute Resolution Landscape (Expert Talk)
- Finalist- Rising Star of the Year, India and Middle East, Asian Legal Business Women in Law (2021)